Digital Projects

We provide a space for both undergraduate and graduate students to engage in hands-on learning experiences with digital tools and techniques. Students collaborate with peers, faculty members, and digital technology specialists to create innovative projects that go beyond conventional essay writing. This approach not only fosters creativity but also equips students with valuable skills in data mining and visualization, digital analysis and mapping, web-based presentations and storytelling, among many other technologies. LEADR supports a portfolio of digital projects created by students and faculty to share research through visual and interactive means. As part of our class collaborations we support a variety of different approaches to digital methods and projects – you can view a selection of these projects here.

Podcasting Projects

Students use the professional AV Studio to create video and audio projects using the podcasting station and the green screen. Both of which are available to book at

Omeka Projects

Often times students will be assigned a project using Omeka, the class will build a website. Students collaborate withe the lab to build pages with items and metadata so make arguments about historical and anthropological phenomena.

WordPress Projects

Class websites explore different themes. We can a number of different classes working with WordPress and it is often a good place for professional portfolios.

Mapping Projects

Mapping projects can vary, here we have examples from GitHub, Neatline, and StoryMap JS.

Scrollytelling Projects

Coming soon!

3D Printing Projects

Coming soon!